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This page contains accounts of rallies, social events, members cruises or other adventures as well as significant anouncements such as awards and changes to the HOA.

To aid navigation through this page we have separated Award ceremonies from news of rallies and other less significant events.

Events prior to 2016 can be found here and at the end of this page.

Contributions to this page are welcome and should be sent to the Webmaster


HOA Meet at Marchwood

On the 18th May 2024 the HOA members in the Solent region assembled at Marchwood Sailing Club.

It was unfortunate that some of the attendees had boat problems but it was great to see them arrive by car. It was even more unfortunate that some had to decline due to health issues and we wish them a full recovery.

Marchood is a small sailing club at the top of Southampton Water. It has great facilities and they made us very welcome. Catering was good too and I am confident no one went home hungry.

The event was organised be Nick Vass, who is a member of Marchwood SC, and he was heard to say that we could make this an annual event so look out for an announcement next Spring.

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Bring Your Hurley Home Again - 2022

On July 2nd the HOA held an event in Plymouth that we called BYHH 2022. This was obviously a reference to the extremely successful event of the same name that was held in 2016. As was the case in 2016, this event was held in conjunction with the Silhouette Owners International Association (SIOA). Our base was at Queens Anne Battery marina where we were well looked after by Darren and his colleagues.

It would have been great if we had had more boats at the rally but the weather during the whole week up to the event was very poor and this was our first event since the Covid pandemic so expectations need to be tempered a little bit. We established a WhatsApp group for the event and this provided entertainment and advice for all involved.

The intention was to get people together over a meal in a pub and then, for those who wanted to, make a visit to the blue plaque in honour of George Hurley that was unveiled in 2016 by George Hurley’s widow, Marion, at Richmond Walk, Stonehouse on one of the buildings George Hurley occupied.

As you will see from the photograph, our evening in the pub was lively and fun. The staff of the Fisherman’s Arms did a great job and looked after us very well. The following morning we had arranged for a mini-bus to take those interested to see the plaque.

On Sunday 8th February 1986 the Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club (RPCYC) presented George Hurley with a trophy in recognition of his years of service to the Club. This was displayed at RPCYC for many years. Then, in 2016, his wife Marion unveiled a plaque to George’s work and the ‘veil’, which was in fact a large HOA burgee, was framed and presented to RPCYC and this too was on display there.

However, when RPCYC moved from their waterside premises on the Hoe to smaller accommodation it was feared that these two Hurley artefacts had been lost. In fact it turned out that the trophy was in the care of Tom Eaves, the President of the SOIA, and after a great deal of tenacious enquiry Steve Dart was able to locate the framed burgee. We are now pleased to say that, after the kind efforts of Chris Deane (RPCYC Commodore), the framed burgee is back on display at RPCYC and it is hoped that the trophy will shortly join it. We are grateful to both Steve and Tom for their efforts. The RPCYC is a super club and, as customary over the years, made us very welcome, as I am sure they would welcome any visiting Hurleyonian crews.

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To see what Bring Your Hurley Home 2016 was like click the poster above.

Three Hurley owners hold a mini rally.
I have just enjoyed a delightful three days in the Solent, one night at Folly Reach (Cowes, River Medinsa) and two nights in Bembridge, where Ian Sinclair (H22 Desiree) and Mike Carter (H24 Mi-Solite)made it a three-strong rally. We were surprised and delighted when a couple of young American guys pitched-up out of the blue, the new owners of H22 Ricochet. Mike and Jake are working and studying in UK and about to set off on a cruise to the east coast! Ian had a spare (giant) HOA burgee (part of a consignment manufactured in error some years ago, which we did not offer for sale) and we were able to present this to Mike and Jake to welcome them to the HOA fraternity and wish them well on their voyage. Tim Sharman. July 2021.
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The Cowes Classic Week racing regatta on the Isle of Wight, UK is now open to GRP yachts! As long as they were designed fifty years ago. The Hurley 22 was designed in 1965 so now qualifies as a classic, as do the Felicity, Silhouette, 18 and 20. So, as we already knew, the Hurley 22 is a classic yacht. But now its official!

Apparently in USA they call classic GRP yachts 'Glassics'. Love it!

For more information about the Rally go to the Events page.

ply South West Area's Annual Social 21 Nov 2014 (Click image for details)

2019 AGM

The Association AGM 2019, Held in Plymouth overwhelmingly backed the proposal to migrate to Facebook. For more information see Chairman's Report

Members at the Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club for the AGM

Following feedback from the membership at the AGM we are pleased to announce that Nick Vass has kindly agreed to join the Committee as Facebook Moderator. We are also pleased to announce that Chris Deanne has agreed to be co-opted to the Committee to provide support to Nick as may be required.

Southern Area Rally 6th October 2018

The Southern region organized at rally at Hamble Point Marina but it was badly affected by the weather. The day before, Friday, was lovely, indeed unseasonaly warm, and the day after was also pleasant but the day itself suffered from torrential rain and 30 knots of bitterly cold northerly wind. Prudent seamanship kept members' boats secure in home berths. Despite the weather, eight of us enjoyed a meal and a convivial chat at the Ketch Locker, where we were well looked after. They also took the picture you see below which you can click on to get a larger image.

From left to right- Dave Edwards, Helen and Robert Sheridan, Tim Sharman, Ian Sinclair, Mike Carter, Kevin Cormell and Andy Merritt.

It was particularly good to see Dave Edwards at this event as he has had a difficult summer recovering from major surgery.

If you have any ideas that you would like the HOA to consider for the 2019 season then please get in touch with a committee member to discuss. Details are on the Contacts page. And if you would like to organize a rally please do so. Once again, a committee member will be happy to announce the event to the wider membership.

Mike Carter.

SW Area Season Planning Meeting Report 2018

After the annual General Meeting of the HOA at RPCYC (Plymouth), the SW area traditionally holds a meeting to put together member's ideas for events in the new season. This year it was on 17th February. there were nine people present and we exchanged ideas and proposals for activities on and off the water. A program has been printed to reflect these ideas.

However, we have found, increasingly over recent years that it is very difficult to achieve agreement on dates so far in advance, partly because most of us, those" retired" and those "at work", are on call for all sorts of reasons, not the least of which is parenting, grandparenting and caring for the even more elderly! These things require a more pragmatic approach as much of the commitment is unpredictable.

Although the occasional date for regular annual events like the May Fowey rally is given, there are no other dates and the order of events is irrelevant It is hoped that members who proposed the idea, as well as anyone else, might propose a date at relatively short notice which suits them and then others may be able to join them. In doing this, due regard will be given to the weather at the proposed time, and it may be that a meet is arranged but at a curtailed event, or more shore based.

If members from other regions are coming to the west Country, please let us know, so that we might be able to meet up with you in an impromptu rally.

In short - any Hurley owner sailing in our area can contact me or any other member to see how many might be available to join in or accompany them for part or all of their trip. It's just about getting together with other enthusiasts for a while and sharing sailing experiences. Please look at the program and see if you might be able to join in or even propose a date for an event.

Wishing everyone a great sailing season

Best wishes

Tony and Hilary Littlewood
H24 Gallivanti,
SW HOA Programme 2018


The Annual General Meeting of the Hurley Owners Association took place on Saturday 17th February 2018 at the Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club. Below are some picture taken at the meeting.

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Gathering on the balcony before the meeting
Last minute preparations for the meeting
Bruce Carter stepped down from the Committee at the meeting. Phil presented him with a tide clock and theanked him for all his work on the Committee and for maintaining the Archive.

Friday November 17th 2017

Seventeen reservations were made for this dining event which took place in the Armada Room in the RPCYC at the same time as the club’s own awards evening was happening in the main room. We were well looked after by the club staff and it presented a good
opportunity to chat to new members and acknowledge some who have moved on.

The regular annual presentations of a half model Hurley 22 and a well polished trophy, both engraved with previous winners, were made for our SW area photo competition and achievement awards respectively. The new holder of the half model is Colin Spraggs for his delightful and, we think, unusual shot of a red sailed Hurley 22 crossing the bows of his own 22, “Vixen”. For the achievement trophy, Bruce Carter was unanimously accepted as a very worthy recipient after many years of organising, joining and encouraging Hurley activities, and exploring the region from the Isles of Scilly to well east of Plymouth. He also has maintained important records of Hurley ownership for the organisation. He has now moved on to a larger Sadler.

We were also lucky to be able to further acknowledge the lasting link between this club and the Hurley Association, now also represented by the newly framed large burgee on the club wall – the actual one used by Marion Hurley to unveil the blue plaque commemorating the site of the original Hurley production in Richmond Walk, Plymouth, in the presence of her family and members of the HOA at the highly successful fiftieth celebrations held last year. Very sadly, she has since passed away and the association was well represented at her funeral. We do know that she was very enthusiastic about the celebrations and was proud that her family’s involvement in the history of Plymouth city was being formally recognised.

Our thanks go the commodore of the RPCYC, Mr Geoffrey Wheeler, for his support for our association, coming in to speak to us and being photographed with Tony Littlewood, (SW member) with the original half model presented in 1986 by the club to George Hurley
which now resides at the club, and the framed burgee used to unveil the plaque.

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By Tim Sharman (H22 Strider)

I have had a fair sailing season - all local in and around the Solent, with only one quick dash to Poole. Nothing to compare with last year's BYHH adventure. I was looking at my diary and wondering when to fit in a late-season trip - and then thought - what about a rally?

Last year we had a very successful rally to Bembridge over the 3rd weekend in September, so I sent out an 'all stations' email to South area members looking for expressions of interest. Wow - initially I had 12 positive replies - this would have been a record number (BYHH not included) - although 9 boats were confirmed and 8 made it to Bembridge.

It turned out that I had chosen probably the busiest weekend of the season (again as last year) when multiple rallies were being held and well over 100 boats packed into the marina. This is an impressive feat as the marina consists of one long pontoon and a few finger berths. Boats end up being rafted up 5 deep.

David and Justine Edwards (of H18 'Womble' restoration fame) in their newly rescued and renovated Westerly Tempest 'Jolly Womble' and I arrived first around midday and proceeded into the (rather exciting) approach channel. Once in the harbour proper there were boats everywhere and it was clear that the marina staff were at full stretch sorting out berthing - at one point Jolly Womble and Strider were put into a 'holding pattern' in the (rather narrow!) stream before being called alongside.

Over the next few hours our remaining boats arrived and we berthed in 2 rafts of 4. It is always good to see old friends again, Ian Sinclair in H22 'Desiree', Mike Carter in H24 'Mi Solite' and Mark Moranne in H22 'Hully Gully' but especially good to welcome new folk to our rallies - Angus and Joanne Claydon in H22 'Elf'; John and Margaret Lawes in their Bowman 'Bowman of Emsworth' (the Bowman was the forerunner of the H27) and Richard Parkins in H22 'La Lep La'.

The thing I always love about rallies is the way folk who have never met quickly start talking boats and boating and sharing their experiences. Jolly Womble's huge cockpit was full for 'sundowners', before we set off across the Duver causeway to the Brading Haven Yacht Club for dinner. This is a great little club, incredibly welcoming and the food good and excellent value for money.

The wind and weather were superb throughout the weekend and Sunday morning was a great opportunity for more boat chat and enjoying the sun over coffee and bacon rolls. By about 1200 the water over the bar was sufficient to enable boats to move and we quickly dispersed ahead of most of the huge yachts which surrounded us.

I have a feeling that this rally may become a 'feature'!

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David & Justine Edwards in Jolly Womble, with Bowman alongside
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Richard Parkin and David Edwards
Angus Claydon
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Ian Sinclair and Mike Carter
Bembridge Harbour
"It flies for you..."


Here's a link to the BYHH report

Post BYHH visit to Calstock


after the official end of festivities on Sunday afternoon, there were 17 people and 12 boats wanting to explore the upper reaches of the Tamar river to Calstock, and the tides were perfect for this, rising for most of the evening...... Read the rest of Tony Littlewood's report

For events prior to this please click on the Events Archive